Saturday, September 19, 2009

Artemis Fowl Hype

I was surfing the net as I often do every afternoon when a site struck me. It was about a so called pre-casting for Artemis Fowl on the big screen. I immediately click on the link and to my dismay I found nothing but a bunch of fansites trying to make up there own chemistry for a possible Artemis Fowl movie. So with a little curiosity I tried to hit the search engine and look up for the actual site of might be true or just a hearsay up coming movie for Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl. I was not left hopeless for doing such idiotic act I say for honestly I found something interesting. Yes, much interesting that I was got hooked for a while, the actual Artemis Fowlsite.

It was very fascinating Eoin Colfer teamed up with a known comic writer Andrew Donkin and Disney illustrators Giovanni Rigano and Paolo Lamanna together they made a fabulous graphic novel. It was some kind of an evolution for a fantasy novel and somehow a good start before hitting the big screen. Now after the wizard boy I had no doubts that sooner this new boy genius with criminal mind might hit big time soon.

But for now just need to take some grabs of that well-illustrated graphic novels or either continue reading the story (since I just finished book 2 and im on my way for book 3).

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